Emma Wilson - Teaching Portfolio 2010.

Teachers use a range of practices and resources.

Teaching is not a static medium and in order to personalise learning  for students and reflect Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences I use a wide range of practices and strategies in my teaching.
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Whiteboards: give children a chance to take risks with their learning, they can rub things out easily and try new ideas.

Technology:  Use of interactive programs using IWB, Using laptops to film holiday interviews, Building a web quest about What we need to know about living in Vietnam with Grade 2.

Group Work: develops communication and negotiation skills, Jigsaw strategy in small groups to represent different verses of Henry Lawson's The Roaring Days with Grade 6. Group work also provides opportunity for students to self reflect about their participation and ability to work in a team.

Building and Construction: Creating and making digestive system and gold rush town with Grade 6 and Building a city using 2D shapes with Grade 2

The Arts: Observing and recording scientific experiments, readers theatre to demonstrate comprehension.

Movement: demonstrating arrays and "groups of " through students sitting and moving in different number configurations.